Questions about new category of education

Questions about the

new category of education

What is Teamwyrk?

Why should I join this program if I can find a job or a volunteer opportunity?

Who should apply to Preintern?

I'm applying to full time roles. Would Preintern still help me?

I'm already in tech and am transitioning from an adjunct job function, such as content design to UXD or PMM to PM. Is this program for me?

Given the current economy, is it a good idea to join this program?

The tuition is lower than comparable options such as Avocademy Career Jumpstart. What's the catch?

What is the tuition?

I already have some interviews. Can I get a refund if I end up getting a job during the program?

Is Preintern a bootcamp?

When does the next cohort start?

I don't know much about the tech industry. Can you tell me how hiring managers will view this experience on my resume

I'm paying tuition. Isn't it unethical that the nonprofit gets to keep my work?

Can my employer pay for this?

A new category of education

for the age of collaboration

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