What makes Preintern


Real world experience that serves the public good

Impacts real users, unlike some side-projects or demo apps

Cross-functional work experience across multiple Scrum teams

Work on advanced projects such as product roadmapping and A/B testing

Mentors teach best practices for cross-functional collaboration

Many foundational topics we share, such as Agile

Job search assistance, leadership speakers, and interview prep

Accountable students who are also motivated to collaborate

Exclusive and fun community with diverse students

Student-led or volunteer projects



Likely does not involve working with UX and engineering

Hiring managers are not impressed by simple web apps

The blind leading the blind

Fails to incorporate real Agile methodologies like backlog refinement

Does not focus on career development

Difficult to articulate progress when people drop out

Not selective; likely only working with other PMs


Associate Product Manager, Bevy

Student at UC Berkeley

“I applied to hundreds of jobs and almost never got responses. I then gained experience here and got an offer at a startup backed by top VCs that only hired one APM intern. I couldn’t have done this without Preintern.

I’ve made lifelong connections here and already referred multiple of my friends to the program. I can’t recommend it enough!”

Learn real skills that get you hired




Learn best practices for collaboration, and understand tools such as Atlassian and Figjam

Market analysis

Get a sense of the business needs, conduct competitive analysis, and convince stakeholders


Use prioritization frameworks, scope out an MVP, and write Jira tickets

Agile methologies

Lead the scrum team through standup, backlog refinement, sprint planning and retro; get story points, check for AC’s, and estimate velocity

User research

Work with the design team to obtain customer feedback, and implement mixed methods research

Product strategy

Set metrics, modify the roadmap, share “Strategy on a Page” with stakeholders, and prioritize features


Learn how your role changes depending on each phase: Discovery, Design, Develop, and Deploy


Talk to engineers about system architecture, triaging bugs, pre-mortem, and technical tradeoffs


Take features to market, manage our marketing strategy, and articulate product positioning


Senior Group Product Manager


“When I hire entry level product managers or interns, those who already have authentic product management experience are the best investment because they can hit the ground running. I wouldn’t need to teach Preinterns the fundamentals. This is very different than an unpaid internship or a building basic web app on a team of less than 5 people, where I don’t see any skills involving product

management at scale.

Interpersonal skills that are so important in product management, such as being able to lead scrum team meetings and communicating conflicting priorities while understanding stakeholder motivations. Preintern is simply incredible.”

Product Management Program


Familiarity with project management and

Scrum preferred

Product adjacent function (eg. marketing,

engineering, design, program

management, etc.) experience preferred


Standard Track: 6+ hours per week for 12

weeks. Depends on team

Flexible Track: 3 hours per week for 11

weeks. Does not involve product

decisions; only participation


Depends on program tracks and cohort

PMs make on average $140,000+,

according to Glassdoor

Tuition to be increased soon


To see our syllabus, you must first be selected for an interview

PM students will implement at least one new feature

Frank, Preintern Mentor

Product Manager


“"What makes us different is our focus on not just teaching folks how to be successful PMs but building a support system and fun community to rely on both in and after our program.

We're the first program that builds our

own product together. This adds work

experience to your resume and easily

makes you a top applicant."

Hear what our alumni say

Christian, SWE at Assured Information Security

A new category of education

for the age of collaboration

Don’t settle for less

Contact Us



Copyright 2023 Preintern

Makes impact on real users


Teamwyrk counts as real experience

Looks nothing like the day to day of a job

Projects with UX design systems, APIs, and more

Too simple to impress hiring managers

Cross-functional work with Agile

Likely does not involve PM, design, and SWE

Career services, speakers, and interview prep

Not focused on career development

Mentors teach best practices

The blind leading the blind

How Preintern


Volunteering or side projects


Associate Product Manager, Bevy

Student at UC Berkeley

“I applied to hundreds of jobs and almost never got responses. I then gained experience here and got an offer at a startup backed by top VCs that only hired one APM intern. I couldn’t have done this without Preintern.

I’ve made lifelong connections here and already referred multiple of my friends to the program. I can’t recommend it



Senior Group Product Manager


“Being a PM at Teamwyrk means knowing the fundamentals. This is different than a

building web app on a team of less than

5 people, where I don't see any skills

involving product management at scale

that candidates can demonstrate.

This program teaches so many interpersonal skills. Simply incredible!”

Product management program


Familiarity with project management &

Scrum preferred

Product adjacent function (eg. marketing,

engineering, etc.) experience preferred


Standard Track: 6+ hours per

week for 12 weeks

Flexible Track: 3 hours per week for 12 weeks. Does not involve product

decisions; only participation


Depends on program tracks and cohort.

Financing available

View our FAQ for more background

Hear what our students say

Learn real skills that get you hired

Frank, Preintern Mentor

Product Manager


"What makes us different is our focus on not just teaching folks how to be

successful PMs but building a support system and fun community to rely on both in and after our program.

We're the first program that builds our

own product together. This adds work

experience to your resume and easily

makes you a top applicant."

Don’t settle for less

Contact Us



Copyright 2023 Preintern