What makes Preintern


Real world experience that serves the public good

Impacts real users, unlike some side-projects or demo apps

Cross-functional work experience across multiple Scrum teams

Work on advanced projects such as system design and API integrations

Mentors teach best practices for cross-functional collaboration

Many foundational topics we share, such as Agile

Job search assistance, leadership speakers, and interview prep

Accountable students who are also motivated to collaborate

Exclusive and fun community with diverse students

Student-led or volunteer projects



Likely does not involve working with UX and PM

Hiring managers are not impressed by simple web apps

The blind leading the blind

Fails to incorporate real Agile methodologies like backlog refinement

Does not focus on career development

Difficult to articulate progress when people drop out

Not selective; likely only working with other devs


Software Engineer at Assured Information Security

Student at Georgia Tech

“I full-heartedly believe in Preintern. Prior to this program, I was not receiving any invitations to interviews. Now, I’ve been getting several final round interviews and have an offer. At Teamwyrk, I applied my learning in a modern tech stack to develop a core feature for the web app and used tools like Jira.

Preintern is small and has an intimate feel to it, which allowed me to learn about Agile and collaboration best practices, unlike educational programs backed by venture capitalists. These hard skills and soft skills will give me a head start once I start my career in software engineering.”

Learn real skills that get you hired




Learn best practices for collaboration, and understand tools such as Atlassian and Figjam

System architecture

Get a sense of our software design and think about scalability of our backend by reviewing our cloud diagrams

Agile methologies

Participate in standup, backlog refinement, sprint planning and retro; provide story points, check for AC’s, and estimate velocity


Learn how your role changes depending on each phase: Discovery, Design, Develop, and Deploy

Product thinking

Talk to PMs about system architecture, triaging bugs, pre-mortem, and technical tradeoffs

UX design systems

Collaborate with the design team on design QA, as well as understand the concept of reusable frontend components


Engineering Manager, DocuSign

“I prefer hiring candidates with not only relevant coursework, but also relevant work experience. It is difficult to differentiate between hundreds of otherwise similar resumes.

Preinterns don’t need as much handholding because they can communicate on teams, which is what is important on the job. 

I have been impressed by the skills that they’ve acquired, since this is the first program that builds actual features at scale. How to build products is one of the hardest things to teach, so Preintern sets grads up for success!“

Software Engineering Program


Intermediate proficiency in coding (bootcamp graduate, college student, or self taught)


Standard Track: 6+ hours per week for 12

weeks. Depends on team

Flexible Track: 3 hours per week for 12

weeks. Does not involve coding

decisions; only participation


$60 per month over 24 months

SWEs make on average $140,000+,

according to Glassdoor

Tuition to be increased soon


To see our syllabus, you must first be selected for an interview

SWE students will implement at least one new feature


Software Engineer, Herogo TV

Graduate of Thinkful

“Joining Preintern was the best thing that happend to me in the past three years.”


Student at the University of Washington

"My experience with Teamwyrk has been instrumental in preparing me for my experience beyond the classroom. Interviews where I talk about it are well received. It allowed me to learn in a live website, practice my agile development skills, and to get hands on with a working codebase and backend.

In addition, Teamwyrk supplied mentors, resume and interview practice resources that are extremely helpful in preparing for entering the workforce. The skills and experiences I have had with the Teamwyrk have been directly applicable for school, personal projects, and my resume. I am a much better software developer as a result of my time spent with the team."

Hear what our students say

Christian, SWE at Assured Information Security

A new category of education

for the age of collaboration

Don’t settle for less

Contact Us



Copyright 2023 Preintern

Makes impact on real users


Teamwyrk counts as real experience

Looks nothing like the day to day of a job

Projects with UX design systems, APIs, and more

Too simple to impress hiring managers

Cross-functional work with Agile

Likely does not involve PM, design, and SWE

Career services, speakers, and interview prep

Not focused on career development

Mentors teach best practices

The blind leading the blind

How Preintern


Volunteering or side projects


SWE at Assured Information Security

Student at Georgia Tech

““I full-heartedly believe in Preintern.

Prior to this program, I was not receiving any invitations to interviews. Now, I’ve

been getting several final round

interviews and have an offer. At

Teamwyrk, I applied my learning in a modern tech stack to develop a core

feature for the app and used Jira.

What I’ve learned here will give me a

head start once I start my career in

software engineering.”


Engineering Manager, DocuSign

“In my experience as a hiring manager, I prefer candidates with not only relevant degrees or coursework, but also relevant work experience.

It is difficult to differentiate between

otherwise similar resumes. Preinterns can communicate well with cross- functional stakeholders, which is what is important

on the job.”

Software engineering program


Intermediate proficiency in coding (bootcamp graduate, college student, or

self taught)


Standard Track: 6+ hours per

week for 12 weeks

Flexible Track: 3 hours per week for 12 weeks. Does not involve coding; only participation


$60 per month over 24 months

View our FAQ for more background

Hear what our students say

Learn real skills that get you hired


Software Engineer, Herogo

Former graduate of Thinkful

“Joining Preintern was the best thing that happend to me in the past three years.”

Don’t settle for less

Contact Us



Copyright 2023 Preintern